Tuesday, February 28, 2012

An Egoist

Brought forth from the cradle of the sun, 
When our world was but only begun. 
In the darkness sat a world of fear, 
Swirling around what you held dear. 

Into the darkness you reach, 
The confines of logic you breach. 
A hero to chase the night away, 
And bring order and a mighty fay. 

And from this you draw forth a blade, 
And with it your petty fears waylaid. 
And into this hero you invoke you, 
And lay out what you are to do. 

So much of you invested in this lie, 
Soon it can never die. 
And out of this story of your own, 
You forge your ill-gotten throne. 

A legion through time oft deceived, 
Fooled until the lie believed. 
For who cares if the blood is a river, 
For yours is the cause of a life giver. 

And who cares if those in pain must wait, 
For the glory lies beyond a gate. 
And what difference does it make, 
If all you know is a fake? 

Time will come and shatter your world, 
The depths of your lie unfurled. 
Some embrace the dark you hate, 
But for them the fear did abate. 

I heard your mighty roar, 
And wail as your throat grew sore. 
Your world could never last, 
Its end was born in the past.

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