Saturday, July 2, 2011


It was a tragedy,
they whispered.
Gossiped over blasphemy,
though they were uninjured.

They left no choice,
with their lack of thought.
Superstition given voice,
by what ignorance had wrought.

Such a simple thing,
looking the other way.
Listening to bells ring,
watching children play.

But a line was crossed,
because they were too proud.
A relationship lost,
because of condemnation too loud.

The one spring,
after so many tears.
They saw him swing,
and abate their fears.

Be careful how you judge,
when we're all not quite right.
You might just give a nudge,
To bring someone to endless night.

Monday, June 13, 2011


He looked at the darkening clouds,
growing with the gathering crowds.
Faces falling with every beat,
there anxious stares he couldn't meet.

In him their faith so quickly placed,
power given and in it their dreams laced.
The rising tempo so quickly did abate,
as just as quickly arrived their morbid fate.

And as the rain began to fall,
the downpour grew to engulf them all.
Fiery souls were quickly quenched,
as all assembled were swiftly drenched.

His hubris led them far astray,
looking for some not oft beaten way.
And in his foolish vanity,
slowly slipped his sanity.

Fate did not ordain what had become of this,
and lucks tender touch did his people miss.
Towards ruin and suffering did they walk,
and stepping into the abyss they did not balk.

A lesson learned there was to be drawn,
even before the last drop of rain was gone.
A faith shattered but in it a faith renewed,
and through the break a new world viewed.

The Voice

Words, he said.
They should have power in meaning.

You just take words that sound nice,
and string them together.

Your voice,
it gets lost in the shuffle:

The shuffle you make,
with polysyllabic nonsense.

He said it with rising contempt,
and punctuated it with surfacing fear.

Your words are just that,

Not thought thoughts,
not hopes, or dreams.

And as tears filled my eyes,
and reflections changed;

I saw what he really was,
and suddenly I understood.

He was a voice,
all but disembodied;

But for how tiny,
and frail he was.

It was like that body,
wasn't even there.

His voice was loud,
and commanding.

The skies trembled,
the earth shook at its sound.

The seas parted,
and retreated as a vanguard of the din.

Kings crowned,
and emperors turned to paupers in it's wake.

And all the world turned,
by such a mighty sound.

But now I could see,
from whence it came.

A miserable,


barely human man.

And I turned to him,
"No they are, just not yours."

"Yours have already died",
and then finally so did he.

And then, my softer voice issued forth,
and false kings were torn down.

Wise Emperors rose,
from piles of filthy rags;

And resumed a silent watch,
responding to their peoples call.

And the seas rushed,
to fill long parched voids.

The earth quieted,
the skies relaxed.

And yet still the world turned,
even though he had passed.

And so a new age dawned,


Reverently it rested,
faithfully it waits.
Once it power crested,
its impact abates.

We tell the stories,
as we'd like them.
Tales of past glories,
our bright shining gem.

The sharp contrast,
fades away.
As we go from the past,
only the bright stays.

But that we could see,
what we've done.
The story by decree,
tells us none.

If we could know,
what there was.
Then we could grow,
if not because,

The time is coming,
when checks are cashed.
And we'll be paying,
for a dark past.

We won't know what we did,
to earn this dark strife.
And so of our oppression rid,
and with it take another life.

On and on this dance will play,
because we let the truth die.
Never to see a brighter day,
Because we could not say "it was I".


He hadn't much to say that day,
when the world was brought to its feet.
He didn't know the price he'd pay,
as he strolled on down the street.

It wasn't that he couldn't see,
the road that lay ahead.
Or that he wasn't free,
for he still could have fled.

He simply didn't care,
to run or hide again.
Nor did he really think,
he could let it all begin.

It seems he knew the choice,
for it sat right there before him.
His doubts he could not voice,
the outlook seemed so grim.

And so he walked on in life,
waiting for something true.
His world so full of strife,
He could hardly pass on through.

The moral of his story,
is that you must take a step.
Even if you lack for glory,
your time is never kept.


Night settles on forgotten dreams,
A stark reminder of deary themes.
An orange sun with fading light,
Darkness heralds a new fight.

The day is through,
We must struggle anew.
Challenges we must face,
To a new dawn we must race.

Hope fades into the coming night,
Pray we can reach a higher height.
The stars will come and show the way,
For the days sins we must pay.

For a new dawn we must wait,
For the ending of this forlorn fate.
Through this night I will go,
For new glory I wish to know.


The sound of the bird's song,
Has escaped my ears far too long.
In the dark march my fears,
But sublime hope nears.

Standing watch in the coldest night,
I can just barely see the first rays of light.
And as its volume grows and grows,
So too shrink back our foes.

Hope born of faltering heart,
Dawn giving us a new start.
Standing our ground,
Our lucks turned around.

The long deathly test,
Ended by light from the west.
The time is ours to do as we will,
But of this night I've had my fill.

In the Depths of the Dark

Still night letting loose thought,
Of every struggle long since fought.
Every deed laid bare,
Whisper in the shadows there.

Action taken in that place,
Breaking through a stotic face.
Words creeping softly through,
Guilt rising up anew.

Coventry rings hallow in the dark,
Known death bells did hark.
A mind freed but in the day,
Alone the thought won't go away.

One hopes it worth it in the end,
All the lives we had to rend.
A wall to hold agaisnt the flood,
Our future bought in fresh blood.


Light seems so far away,
Beckoning towards a coming day.
Juxtaposed with a gathering dark,
Sheltered in an ancient ark.

Brightening skies,
Give way to lies.
Fate waits,
For darkness abates.

Given time for all,
Riding a gray squall.
Time needs no master,
Charging ever faster.

The dark roars along,
Singing its shadow song.
A simple plan can't fix,
That Erebos gives way to Nyx

An Awakening

I see no truth in what has been said,
Nor force behind hallow words read.
A love that never yields,
Echos through hate's fields.

A bold claim to see what lies ahead,
Yielding a false tyrant instead.
A lie that goes claims to love,
The flood undone by a dove.

The man who came to save,
Left but an empty grave.
Or so we were told,
By clever men so bold.

I see no difference in such faith,
Although his form a wraith.
No claim made too true,
To justify it when its through.

An idea no one can understand,
Has captivated this land.
And claims its tyrant's fist,
Shall save us from his list.

Such a story told today,
would surely put its teller away.
But through time it has survived,
And in ignorance thrived.

I reject it not out of hand,
for it has no legs with which to stand.
Choose this poison if you will,
But as for me I've had my fill.